To be published on the Native Nonprofit List, we require organizations to meet all of the following 4 criteria:
- Be Native-led. We define “Native-led” and “Native-controlled” as organizations with at least 51 percent of the Board of Directors and Leadership Team identifying as American Indian, Alaska Native, or Native Hawaiian.
- Demonstrate specific service to Native people and communities. Your organization has a mission, vision, strategic plan or founding documents that express a commitment to serve Native Nations, communities, or people.
- Have U.S. nonprofit status (501c3, 7871, or Fiscally Sponsored). Be prepared to submit your or your fiscal sponsor's EIN - Employment Identification Number. Or the 7871's affiliated tribe.
- Be in good standing with the IRS as a Tax Exempt Organization. In other words, your organization is eligible to receive tax-deductible charitable contributions. To verify this for a 501c3, you can lookup your organization's or fiscal sponsor's EIN or name at
This form requires a few pieces of information to confirm you meet the criteria.
We also encourage you to submit optional additional information we have requested to help us build a list that helps supporters and donors who share your interests to find you!
Native Ways Federation reserves the right to review responses and follow up with organizations. Native Ways Federation also reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to exclude or remove organizations from the list with our without consultation with said organization, including but not limited to if it is not clear they meet the criteria or if they no longer meet the criteria.
Please provide written, graphic, or photographic depictions of Native peoples that are consistent with the dignity of the cultures and avoid exploitation or negative stereotyping.